Saturday, April 10, 2010

Mullholland KOM Challenge

A fantastic day participating in the Mullholland King of the Mountains Challenge event in Agoura Hills.  What is that you ask - According to my Garmin it was 7 hours 42 minutes in the saddle with 14,286 ft of ascent over a 116.2 mile course going back and forth across the Malibu Creek State Park, Mullholland Hwy, Stunt Rd, and many other crazy steep winding and somewhat maintained roads.

What made the day best is meeting new people as always, sharing stories and having a blast.   I met a number of great people and got lots of comments on my FCA Endurance cycling kit and struck up conversations about MDC 2010 and the Challenged Athletes Foundation - hopefully recruiting a couple potential riders.  Had great conversations with new friends Rob, Andy, and Scott about why we do these things!

Had to lend support briefly for one fallen cyclist but all in all it was a safe and wonderfully supported event.  Planet Ultra really does these things well.

Another good training day leading up to the Napa Valley Vintage 1/2 Ironman on May 1st.

God Bless! Keep riding and keep smiling!

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