Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Almost there ... last minute craziness

Well, just a few days from the start of the QMDC Ride down the coast and most of the preparations have been made. The official vehicles and bikes get loaded up and head out tomorrow. The journey has been amazing just to reach the start considering the crash down Palomar Mountain, broken collar-bone and subsequent surgery now just over 9 weeks ago, but I'm here and ready to roll.

It's actually been a bit frantic last minute for me as I have been traveling out of town and just getting back home in time to prepare to head up the coast. Since I'm driving and Candi will be trailing and following the ride down in our car, I'll be rolling up with my bike and gear so I don't have to have it ready to drop off tomorrow. Good thing as during a final check and cleanup I found my bottom bracket cable guide was cracked - uh oh - not a typical item you have laying around.

No choice, I had to get a replacement. A HUGE thanks to RIVET CYCLESPORT in Oceanside and it's owner and chief wrench, Matt Simpson, for hooking me up and calming me down. He had a couple spare parts to choose from and I was able to make it all work and even get in a 20 mi test spin out of the rig late this afternoon just to be sure. Its always the little things that can get to you if you let them.

More reflections tomorrow as we pack up to head up for the long drive up to SF from San Diego. I can't wait to meet up with Rachel, Fred, David Lee, and the other Challenged Athletes pre-ride since after all, this is all about getting out there and doing something for the sake of others!!!

Keep Smiling!!!

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