Tuesday, October 6, 2009

XX1090 studios tomorrow - Back where it all started!

Well, step back to the first week of June when this all started with a morning radio show and the announcement of the 30 contestants selected to be part of the Scott & BR X1090 Cycling Team for a chance to win a $10,000 sponsored ride in the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge riding 620 mi from San Francisco to San Diego.

Here we are 19 weeks later and down to the final announcement of a winner and I am fortunate enough to be a finalist with the opportunity to have the honor for 2009. Fact is, as we've gotten down to the last several contestants I believe we all count ourselves as winners in many ways. We've truly become enriched by the experience and each person has been touched in some way. All this and we haven't even started the actual ride yet!

Make no mistake, it will be a morning filled with nervous anticipation at the Cox Communication Studios of XX1090 tomorrow morning between 6:30 and 7am with most of the final 10 contestants coming together to find out whether Adam, Joy, or I get the final prize! Who will it be ... tune in and find out!

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