Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Homework? Challenges Off the Bike???

So here we are with 10 finalists about to go down to 8 and Pat Thomas (Congrats Pat) with immunity for the next cut down.

This is wild; it all started with a 56 word or less essay to get into a radio contest and now this.

Your assignment (Due Friday 10am sharp) is to submit yet another paragraph. 100 words or less based on your experience with the ride/contest thus far. We are more than half way through our 20 week training program and I would like to hear your thoughts on being a part of the XX1090 contest and the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge. We are all motivated and inspired by different aspects of this competition and I’m curious to hear what you have to say.

All of you who have supported me have got me this far so I'm interested in what you think about this so feel free to comment as I contemplate how I should respond with for my homework.

And of course wish me well as I continue in my recovery from my own 'challenge' of the recent crash and surgery.

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