Friday, September 18, 2009

Day 2 - XX1090 Roving Tailgator RV

So another day of the recommissioned Hamlow RV as the XX1090 Tailgaitor. Yesterday I blanketed the coast beginning at Starbucks in Oceanside and moving to the O'side Coaster Train Station before working my way down south to successive stops talking XX1090 to commuters at the train stations down the coast.

Today I plastered XX1090 Banner along Hwy 78 at El Camino for the morning commuters to view and also along the freeway fencing with Hooters in the background. After that I rolled east to Sycamore and IHOP with the Rig parked in plain view of the Freeway drivers while talking with customers.

Finally, I cruised over to the Cal State San Marcos Campus and rolled around and parked for a while at the main campus entrance (note the photo) and talked sports with students as well as the QMDC ride handing out fliers for the upcoming La Jolla Brewhouse Brew Bash and Poker Run.

Overall a great 2nd morning of promotion and fun for XX1090, Scott & BR, and the Million Dollar Challenge.

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