Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Eliminations Tomorrow - Down to the Sweet Six!

Hey all, tomorrow is another big day for the remaining contestants with 2 more eliminations. Since Adam Beck has immunity that means 2 of the 7 of us remaining will be no longer in the contest. It's been quite a journey so far and no matter what, the relationships formed have been worth 100 times more than the efforts expended on the bike.

BUT ... I still very much want to be part of the Sweet Six after tomorrow morning. So please listen up to XX1090am between 6:15a and 7a for the announcements and maybe a surprise or two!!!

Finally, I can't believe how quickly I was able to get back on the road less than 4 weeks post surgery and the healing has been going incredibly well. As you can see from the picture here the scar has to be pointed out just to find it.

Thanks for your support so far and please join Brian Brillo's Acoustic Night in Rancho Penasquitos tomorrow night, Wed Sep 2nd - CLICK HERE for more info.

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