Monday, September 28, 2009

Week 18 - Almost There!!!

Sunday was a great ride up the coast into San Clemente and back. It was a change to the plan but a welcome one as the original route was to take us out into Fallbrook and 100+ degree temperatures. The 82 miles went fast as I rode on with Group 1 getting some good stretches in with some incredibly strong riders. We had a real "git er done" ride finishing in just under 4 hours.

It also great to get a shot at the start of the Thrilling Threesome left in the contest shown here in the photo. Its all been said if you've read the posts from the blogs, but it remains true that any one of the final group will properly honor the Challenged Athletes Foundation as the winner of the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge Contest.

It's been a long journey of training and the whole group is ready and in shape for the ride down the coast. It's really gone pretty fast and hard to believe we are finally down to just the last couple weeks of training and the contest.

Who will win ... Listen in to XX1090 Wed Morning for the next elimination!

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