Monday, September 14, 2009

Week 16 - Back to Back Century Rides, Simply a BLAST!!!

Completed back to back days of 103 miles this weekend with the QMDC Group. It was awesome rolling into Palos Verdes with spectacular views after a great day in the saddle Saturday and seeing all the smiles of folks. All in all it turned out to be a safe ride with a few typical mechanical issues and a couple folks with nutrition problems, but due to the awesome support of fellow riders it all worked out.

We then got the fabulous opportunity to have a nice reception and dinner together seeing each other, many for the first time, out of our cycling gear. It was another great experience to grow the relationships, expand friendships, and spend more time with some of the athletes we are supporting with this effort. Its really cool just to get to know these great people beyond their physical impairments because to them of course, that's just their normal, so getting beyond that to who they are what makes them tick is fantastic.

For Sunday's ride back down to San Diego we were treated with a cool morning and not too much wind which was a great thing as for many of us, the legs were feeling it. Had an awesome lunch stop in San Onofre with a gorgeous view of the pacific seen in the photo here.

Getting closer now to the event makes it all so much more meaningful. The privilege of being in the contest, without which I would never have even met any of the people who I now can call friends, is really hitting me. I owe a debt of gratitude to XX1090, Scott & BR, and the sponsors for making this happen.

Cut down to the Fantastic Four on Wednesday. Everyone is deserving so tune into the radio this week, Wednesday, between 6:30a and 7a to find out who remains!!!!!!

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