Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Eliminations Tomorrow - to the Thrilling Three!

Listen in tomorrow at 6:45a to XX1090 am and the Scott and BR Show for the announcement of the 2 eliminations which will bring the team down to the Thrilling Three!!!

It's been quite an incredible journey so far and this past week's excitement with XX1090 promotion and some fun outside of the cycling part of this has added just another level to this experience overall. It will be one I will remember forever I'm sure and telling stories about for years to come.

Most of all however, the stories of the Challenged Athletes and the experience of supporting them and getting to know a little bit about them is what will stick with me along with the friendships formed along the way.

So please tune your radio dial to 1090 AM or click here and listen at 6:45am tomorrow on the Internet feed. Thanks for all your support so far!!!

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