Monday, September 7, 2009

Week 15 - Elfin Forrest .. the comeback continues!

Another new experience and another phenomenal day on the bike. Today was a day of recovery for me personally in my physical comeback from surgery as I've done a bit too much in the past 10 days since my Surgeon gave me the go-ahead to lose the sling and begin to do 'more'. I've been in some pain and just overloaded so I needed a stress-free day on the bike.

As such I decided to make the most of it and ride with Group 4 on the road. What a great decision!!! I was able to meet more fellow QMDC riders and ride with David in the picture here along with Kristine, who is the QMDC event director at the Challenged Athletes Foundation. Scott, aka Hooter, leads a great group which has a great mix of riders fully focused on fun, no stress, building solid riding skill, and most of all safety.

It was also great to ride with a couple other fellow Radio Contestants that I hadn't had the opportunity to spend much time with on the bike. Overall just a fantastic day.

If you aren't part of this event, GET INVOLVED! Donate or JOIN IN and be part of it!

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