Sunday, October 25, 2009

QMDC Final Day 7 Wrap

Wow, where to start. This was a day of many mixed emotions and a feeling of 'last' experiences. The last breakfast, last morning greeting from the mechanics at On-Support, last drop of the day bags and luggage to the "Luggage Angels", and last rollout of the hotel to the final stop of the ride and finish in La Jolla Shores. We were all excited to be reunited with family and friends awaiting us as well as seeing Luvo, who was hopefully going to be walking on his own new legs for the first time since they were violently sheered off by a train 17 years ago.

I lingered at the rollout until near the very end and Brian Brillo, Adam Beck, and I decided to ride out together on this last day and cruise down through Laguna Beach together and just enjoy this final day. We had a fun and laughter filled time as we talked about the various fun times during the week, like shuffleboard - "Do you know who I am?", and furniture stacking in rooms, clown noses, and various encounters with strangers talking about why we were doing this ride for Challenged Athletes. Candi and friends caught up with Brian, Adam, and I in Oceanside as we rolled through and were about to really get a first class escort.

It all really came together as we hooked up with Garmin including Christian, Matt, and Pete, and had a police escort rolling through Carlsbad all the way through to the University Park where we pulled up to gather for the formal roll-in to La Jolla Shores. We even got to have one last hard push up Torrey Pines, which was for me a view from behind as the Garmin boys just put a little power to the pedal and left the rest of us behind a bit. I had a personal best time up the climb @ 6:15 per my Garmin and regrouped with the big boys at the top which was pretty awesome for me. We got to have some fun in the park taking some fun photos and hanging with Cody, Rachel, and all the riders who we started this adventure with some 22 weeks ago while we waited for everyone to come together.

We rolled all together into the finish to an awesome crowd of family and friends. It was really special and a great finish to an amazing event. It is going to take some time for it all to sink in I'm sure and I will pray long and hard as to whether I will be coming back again next year. Either way, it has created, for me, a number of new friendships and a tremendous appreciation for the perseverance of those who are less fortunate than I.

As always, keep riding and keep smiling!!!!!

QMDC Day 6 Summary

Shortest day on the road today with just about 55 miles to cover rolling from Marina Del Rey down to Newport Beach. While this wasn't a long day in the saddle it was a welcome morning with a late breakfast and a very relaxed rollout of the hotel. It was nice to soak up the morning and even more exciting for me as my Candi's Sister, Pam, and our Brother-in-law, Dominic, were going to meet us in Newport for a nice lunch post ride. It turned out to be an absolutely great day in so many ways. We also got to go back through Palos Verdes where we stayed during training on the double-century weekend ride which reminded me how much we've all been through together.

First, the roads are very familiar to me as I lived in Huntington Beach for several years and rode with the Seal Beach Bike Club back 20+ years ago so the memories rolling through Seal and Huntington are always special for me personally. I also decided not to stop at the graciously provided hosted lunch in Long Beach at Schooner & Later just because I had family at the finish so I headed off from the SAG stop with Sepp, who I hadn't ridden with much to date. We had great conversation and fun riding all the way through Huntington Beach together until we caught up with Mike Jennings crew with our furthest traveling handcyclist, Rachel, from Miami. She is just phenomenal and I got to support Mike, Sarah, and Radio Joe helping bring Rachel all the way into the Newport Beach Hyatt off Jamboree.

This is truly what this ride is all about. Riding with the pros and friends that we have come to know well over the past 20 weeks has been awesome, but connecting with Challenged Athletes like Rachel and making new friends like Sepp along the way is just so meaningful. I can't say enough how privileged I feel to be a part of this ride and to have had the opportunity thanks to XX1090, and of course Billy Ray Smith and Scott Kaplan of the Scott & BR Show making it all happen.

Rolled in and had a great lunch at the Cheesecake Factory - food always tastes better after a great ride with friends!!! Only got better as we came to our last dinner together and had a great table with the Radio Team as we reminisced about the ride and witnessed all the awards for the incredible performances throughout the week. Had a great Toast of Milk with Scott Kaplan, Mike Henderson, and Adam Beck to close out the week. This event has truly been top notch and I know that next year's effort with Adam Beck, following Mike Henderson as last year's radio contest winner, will be just as phenomenal.

Can't stop smiling after this day.

QMDC Day 5 Summary

Another beautiful start out of Santa Barbara with a promise of continued good weather and great ride down the coast to Marina Del Rey covering 90 miles. Started out with a relaxed morning and photos with Dave Zabriski of Garmin as we all went out at our various times based on how easy or hard we were prepared to take it heading down the coast.

A special surprise treat for all of us with the lunch stop being the mobile In-N-Out Burger truck meeting us down in Point Mugu right on the beach. Was a stop-start moment as the In-N-Out truck got lost trying to find us and I was about to head out with the big group including the Garmin team just as the truck pulled in. Decided that it would just be a waste to miss the opportunity so stayed back for the longest break of the trip and enjoyed a nice cheeseburger with Scott Kaplan and the rest of the radio team taking photos and sharing experiences of the week so far. It was an excellent time and felt great to spend additional time with some of the best people I know.

Became a slow start out of lunch with a full belly and a group of folks that wanted to pull thru and get through the hills coming by Pepperdine and into Malibu. Came by several groups including Sean on his handcycle cranking along through Malibu and just smiling away. Couldn't have been a more enjoyable ride. I ended up rolling with a group that narrowed to be just Brian Brillo, Lisa Jennings and I as we rolled into the SAG stop across from Pepperdine. We cruised through and into Santa Monica with another radio rider, Mark Vandierendonck, with a real treat as Brian and I were stopped by a videographer amongst the big top tents on the beach. Brian and I were asked if we would ride by slow so they could add us to the promo video they were shooting and we said, "SURE, Why Not!" They then handed Brian and I huge red clown noses and we rolled by with serious looks and these huge ridiculous clown noses on while they shot the video, which happened to be for the touring Cirque de Soleil and supposedly will be on the web in a week - we'll see - but all good fun.

Rolled through Venice and into Marina Del Rey with Brian after an enjoyable cruise along the bike path. Just another great day with surprising experiences and simple good fun!

QMDC Day 4 Summary

Day 4 began with a look at a map that said 120 miles and a climb up to 1500 feet in the middle of the day. After 3 days and near 300 miles I think everyone was feeling a bit of their legs and if not that, at least sore 'behinds'. Lots of early departures as everyone wanted to get thru the day comfortably and roll into Santa Barbara before dark. I rolled out again today with Group 2 'much fun' and we had a great ride out Pismo and inland across beautiful vineyards.

We ran into a bit of wind as always in this area but were able to power thru the headwinds and crosswinds and make our way through the valleys and ultimately to the long climb heading toward lunch at Fess Parker Winery. We passed many folks enjoying the scenery as we headed toward lunch and our group was about the 1st to arrive at Fess Parker. This was a special lunch as most of the entire group of riders seemed to regroup at the winery and enjoy the beautiful sights and smells around the vineyards.

Just a bit after lunch I connected with the Group including the pros and we started with about 25 folks as we headed up the 1st of the last two reasonably tough climbs of the day and ultimately it created a selection of only 5 of us at the end including both Joe Weickengant and I from the Radio Team along with JJ, Mari, & Matt from Garmin. It was a fast last 45 miles and we rolled into the Santa Barbara resort hotel early. Had a great post-ride massage and spent the free time with Candi and my nephew Broc as we hung out and watched a movie.

It was another truly amazing day on the bike. Every day has provided unique and awesome times to reflect and appreciate what this ride is all about; doing something for the sake of others.

QMDC Day 3 Summary

Amazing day 3 rolling out of Big Sur with 114 miles in front of us and over a mile of climbing. We began the day with perfect weather and virtually no fog impeding the gorgeous views rolling out 101. Everyone was a bit nervous heading out for what could be a very long day in the saddle but there was just a buzz of excitement in the air as the Garmin boyz were here and riding with the group the whole day.

I headed out with Lisa Jennings' Group 2 "MUCH FUN" as we renamed ourselves and cruised up the climbs with Gilberto Alavez again. He is just an amazing guy and a true gentleman ... oh and a monster cyclist. The views out of Big Sur just made me appreciate the fact that the creation of this planet was no accident and we are just playing a part in a bigger plan.

Getting to lunch today past mile 60 was a relief for most as the majority of the climbing was behind us and the remainder of the day was just cruising along the coast and rolling toward Pismo Beach. It was another great opportunity for me to ride with and along side another one of our phenomenal handcyclists in the event. It was another day of great appreciation for being allowed to be part of this experience.


Sunday, October 18, 2009

QMDC Day 2 Summary

Day 2 started with a great breakfast and a buzz in the air with the groups ready to roll. It was especially exciting for me because not only was Candi rolling down the coast the whole ride in the car but my sister, Christine and family, were rolling down for a second day as the roving cheering section for all the groups.

Took a little more time today stopping and taking over 50 pictures out on the road. What a truly amazing and fantastic day. Too hard to decide what to post here but a couple memorable shots were going through the fields of Artichokes and Strawberries around Watsonville with the sun trying to break through and then, a phenomenal lunch on the beach in Carmel, and finally, the famous Bixby Bridge with a great group including Dean, John, Stephen, Lisa, Rocco, and Gilberto Alavez, an incredibly accomplished paralympic challenged athlete and amputee. Beginning to really appreciate how special this event is, not only for the benefits to Challenged Athletes due to the $1,000,000 raised by the group, but for the incredible support for those of us able-bodied folks just trying to schlep out bodies across these miles.

Time to sign off for the night. A big day tomorrow with 114 miles in front of us with 3 big climbs in the first half of the ride. Again, thanks for all the support in helping me get here and for supporting CAF with your resources.

Much appreciated ... Keep Smiling!!!

QMDC Day 1 Summary

A great ride out of SF with a police escort and a foggy ride out of Fisherman's Wharf out to the Presidio and through Golden Gate Park out by the Cliff House and to the Great Highway. Even through the fog you could see the Towers of the Golden Gate as we headed out for the first of the 620 miles to come.

We rolled on down the coast at a pretty good clip with lots of energy and excitement. Took a few great pictures on the road and ultimately just had a great time. Rolled into the Hotel pretty early without the bike racks set up or anything quite ready but thank goodness the massage tables had just gotten prepped as I was ready for that.

Ended the 1st of 7 days with a great dinner and a reminder of what we are all here for which is to support these amazing Challenged Athletes. We heard specifically from the guys from Operation Rebound riding with us this year and just to hear how much CAF and the QMDC has impacted their lives was truly inspiring.

Keep Smiling and Keep Riding!!!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Arrive, Prepped, and Ready to Ride

Arrived up in the SF Bay Area yesterday, did some business with clients, and then settled in for a nice family dinner before heading into the City by the Bay today. Had a wonderful sendoff dinner with my Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother-in-law, niece, nephew, and a cousin from Italy that is in town.

Woke up this morning and went out for a nice reflective 33 mile loop out here east of San Fran on part of the Tour of California course. The photos here are from this morning's spin - what a great way to get some nervous energy out prior to meeting up with all my fellow compatriots at the Hyatt Fisherman's Wharf for the evening's program.

Keep smiling and keep riding!!!

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Almost there ... last minute craziness

Well, just a few days from the start of the QMDC Ride down the coast and most of the preparations have been made. The official vehicles and bikes get loaded up and head out tomorrow. The journey has been amazing just to reach the start considering the crash down Palomar Mountain, broken collar-bone and subsequent surgery now just over 9 weeks ago, but I'm here and ready to roll.

It's actually been a bit frantic last minute for me as I have been traveling out of town and just getting back home in time to prepare to head up the coast. Since I'm driving and Candi will be trailing and following the ride down in our car, I'll be rolling up with my bike and gear so I don't have to have it ready to drop off tomorrow. Good thing as during a final check and cleanup I found my bottom bracket cable guide was cracked - uh oh - not a typical item you have laying around.

No choice, I had to get a replacement. A HUGE thanks to RIVET CYCLESPORT in Oceanside and it's owner and chief wrench, Matt Simpson, for hooking me up and calming me down. He had a couple spare parts to choose from and I was able to make it all work and even get in a 20 mi test spin out of the rig late this afternoon just to be sure. Its always the little things that can get to you if you let them.

More reflections tomorrow as we pack up to head up for the long drive up to SF from San Diego. I can't wait to meet up with Rachel, Fred, David Lee, and the other Challenged Athletes pre-ride since after all, this is all about getting out there and doing something for the sake of others!!!

Keep Smiling!!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

And the Winner IS ......

CONGRATS TO ADAM BECK, today declared the winner of the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge Contest and who will be representing the entire team for the next year as the new coach and leader of the group.

Even better, over $50K was raised by the radio contestants and with another $10K that was provided by Scott Kaplan and Adam's $10K sponsorship, the TOP 7 will all be going on the ride in just over a week>>>>

So further congrats out to:

Joy Muehlenbein
Brian Brillo
Rob Millum
Joe Weickgenant
Mark Vandierendonck

We'll all be leaving next week for San Francisco and preparing for the incredible 620mi adventure down the coast ending in La Jolla Shores on October 23rd.

As many know by now, my faith is a huge part of my life and earlier today I was provided the following by a friend and fellow team member of FCA Endurance (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) that I need to share.

Psalms 45:4 In your majesty ride forth victoriously in behalf of truth, humility and righteousness; let your right hand display awesome deeds.

It made me really think of my journey so far including a broken right collarbone and the real purpose of this whole event, which is sacrificing a bit of ourselves for the sake of others. Thanks to Scott & BR, XX1090, and CAF as well as all who have been so incredibly supportive throughout this journey. I can't wait to saddle up in San Francisco!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

XX1090 studios tomorrow - Back where it all started!

Well, step back to the first week of June when this all started with a morning radio show and the announcement of the 30 contestants selected to be part of the Scott & BR X1090 Cycling Team for a chance to win a $10,000 sponsored ride in the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge riding 620 mi from San Francisco to San Diego.

Here we are 19 weeks later and down to the final announcement of a winner and I am fortunate enough to be a finalist with the opportunity to have the honor for 2009. Fact is, as we've gotten down to the last several contestants I believe we all count ourselves as winners in many ways. We've truly become enriched by the experience and each person has been touched in some way. All this and we haven't even started the actual ride yet!

Make no mistake, it will be a morning filled with nervous anticipation at the Cox Communication Studios of XX1090 tomorrow morning between 6:30 and 7am with most of the final 10 contestants coming together to find out whether Adam, Joy, or I get the final prize! Who will it be ... tune in and find out!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Epic Week 19 Ride - 5K of Climbing at 92 miles

Another phenomenal day on the road with the QMDC Cyclists. Starting 19 weeks ago, some people didn't even have capable road bikes, some were former racers, lots of different skill levels, shapes, and sized, but all with one thing in common and that is coming together for the Challenged Athletes Foundation to serve others.

The other thing common thing out there today were big smiles and camaraderie amongst everyone. It was the last long ride of the training program in preparation for the ride down the coast now less than 2 weeks away.

The Garmin said 4,977 feet of climbing and the group today encountered 7 flat tires during the ride, but even so there were few complaints and lots of support for one another. As always, the Ride Leaders were awesome today, keeping things together and picking people up with conversation and humor when folks were having a tough time.... these people are special!

Its been a whirlwind of over 4 months of preparation and building of relationships with an amazing group of people. A special thanks here to the QMDC Co-Chairs Dean and Scott, Event Director - Kristine, and Special Events Manager - Vikki, for all that you do behind the scenes.
It may seem redundant, but I can't say it enough how amazing this experience has been and WE HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED THE RIDE!!!!

Two weeks away and two days away from the Winner being announced in the Scott & BR Cycling Team Contest.... Will it be me??? Will it be Joy??? Will it be Adam??? Tune in Wednesday at 6:45am on XX1090 AM and find out.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Crunch Time for All Radio Contestants

Two weeks from today a group of folks committed to the serving of others will be meeting in San Francisco the evening before a cycling journey together down the coast for the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge to benefit the Challenged Athletes Foundation. For all the Radio contestants, with the exception of the one winner which will be announced next week, raising $10,000 per rider is the only way to be on the ride with this amazing QMDC Group.

As an entire XX1090 Scott & BR Cycling team, we have joined forces for the final push for fundraising. The GOAL is to get as many of us on the ride as possible. Collectively we have raised just short of $50,000.

We have thrown together one last event to sell the 200 remaining BBQ Island Opportunity Drawing tickets. Don't miss out, this is an awesome prize. We're talking a modular, customizable, installed outdoor BBQ island.

The radio team will be set up at the Scripps Ranch Farmers Market, tomorrow October 3, from 9 am to 1 pm. The market is held at the Ellen Browning Scripps school (10380 Spring Canyon Rd, across from Vons on Scripps Poway Parkway. We will have opportunity tickets for sale, coffee, and cookies. We will be in our XX1090am, Scott & BR Cycling Team Jerseys too!
So come on by and pick up a ticket to win the ULTIMATE BBQ ISLAND! As always, THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT!!!!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Survived Another Week!

Well, the good news just keeps on coming. All of the remaining "Thrilling Three", Adam, Joy, and I are ALL IN for another week when the winner of the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge will finally be announced.

It's been truly amazing and yet another great opportunity for all of us to let you all know about great upcoming events and chances to support the cause and get great stuff in return.

Come out for a Rendezvous at the Ranch tomorrow night, Thursday, Oct. 1, 6:30-10 p.m. in Rancho Santa Fe. Tickets are $40 for 1 and $70 for 2 and include drinks and catered dinner so RSVP ASAP in advance clicking on the link above.

Awesome event including:
Gourmet Chocolate Tasting by Jers
Organic Burger Bar by O’Brothers Burgers (vegetarian options available)
Tasty Beverages
Opportunity Drawing, Raffle Items and 50/50
Possible appearances by Floyd Landis and Chris Horner!
Silent auction from 6:30-8:30 with over $15K in items, including a week's stay in a Kona condo, a plethora of cycling items, bike fit by the legendary John Howard, velodrome classes and training, spa treatments, golf clubs and outings, wine baskets, and so much more.

ALSO ... Brian Brillo is holding an opportunity drawing for a Yamaha Acoustic-Electric Guitar (model AEX500N). The guitar is gently used but in excellent condition with new strings. Pictures here: Approximate value is $450. It comes complete with guitar strap and gig bag. Tickets are 1 for $20 or 2 for $30 with only about 30 tickets sold so great odds of winning. To get entered into the drawing, or for more information about the guitar, contact Brian at

AND LAST BUT NOT LEAST .... Adam Beck is holding another opportunity drawing--this one for a custom, modular BBQ island! The value of the components alone is over $5,000, but you also get FREE delivery and custom installation (including tile and stucco) in the San Diego area. Tickets are $30 for 1 or $50 for 2. Under 200 tickets have been sold (so your odds are pretty good). The winner will be announced on Friday, October 9, 2009. View the poster for details: get entered into the drawing for the BBQ island, or for more information, please email Adam Beck at

We all thank you tremendously for your gracious support of CAF on our behalf!

Keep Riding and Share Some Smiles Out There!!!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Week 18 - Almost There!!!

Sunday was a great ride up the coast into San Clemente and back. It was a change to the plan but a welcome one as the original route was to take us out into Fallbrook and 100+ degree temperatures. The 82 miles went fast as I rode on with Group 1 getting some good stretches in with some incredibly strong riders. We had a real "git er done" ride finishing in just under 4 hours.

It also great to get a shot at the start of the Thrilling Threesome left in the contest shown here in the photo. Its all been said if you've read the posts from the blogs, but it remains true that any one of the final group will properly honor the Challenged Athletes Foundation as the winner of the Scott & BR Cycling Challenge Contest.

It's been a long journey of training and the whole group is ready and in shape for the ride down the coast. It's really gone pretty fast and hard to believe we are finally down to just the last couple weeks of training and the contest.

Who will win ... Listen in to XX1090 Wed Morning for the next elimination!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Thrilling Three - WOW ....

So at this point it seems nearly impossible, but I have survived to be one of the Thrilling Three remaining in the Scott & BR Cycling Team Contest to receive a $10,000 sponsored ride in the Qualcomm Million Dollar Challenge 620mi bicycle ride from San Francisco to San Diego. The honor involved in that is compelling for sure not because of the opportunity to win, but because of the responsibility involved in being a good steward for Challenged Athletes and those striving for significance in their lives.

I can't say that I'm not competitive, because I surely am, however this contest has not been about one person versus another. Without rules or clarity or knowledge of what is required to win, all of us who have been involved have been equals preparing physically for this event while promoting XX1090, the Challenged Athletes Foundation, and this incredible event. The creativity of the immunity pump (Adam, Joy, Brian, Pat), Rob hanging off a crane, impromptu acoustical concerts by Brian, and more are just unbelievable displays of talent and energy not to be diminished.

And while it seems this is getting very serious there is a camaraderie and level of fun that exists as well and can't be overlooked. Regardless of who ends up winning I am having an absolute blast being part of the contest and on the radio promoting while also becoming part of the overall group that is totally committed to supporting CAF.

I have great respect for all those who have been in the contest, and even though they've been cut I hope and expect to see many on the ride in October through fundraising efforts. As for Joy and Adam joining me in the Thrilling Three I just know we each can honor the purpose of this whole thing and represent CAF and XX1090 with the utmost integrity through to the end regardless of who ends up winning.

Keep riding, keep smiling, get involved, and spread the word!!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Eliminations Tomorrow - to the Thrilling Three!

Listen in tomorrow at 6:45a to XX1090 am and the Scott and BR Show for the announcement of the 2 eliminations which will bring the team down to the Thrilling Three!!!

It's been quite an incredible journey so far and this past week's excitement with XX1090 promotion and some fun outside of the cycling part of this has added just another level to this experience overall. It will be one I will remember forever I'm sure and telling stories about for years to come.

Most of all however, the stories of the Challenged Athletes and the experience of supporting them and getting to know a little bit about them is what will stick with me along with the friendships formed along the way.

So please tune your radio dial to 1090 AM or click here and listen at 6:45am tomorrow on the Internet feed. Thanks for all your support so far!!!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Day 2 - XX1090 Roving Tailgator RV

So another day of the recommissioned Hamlow RV as the XX1090 Tailgaitor. Yesterday I blanketed the coast beginning at Starbucks in Oceanside and moving to the O'side Coaster Train Station before working my way down south to successive stops talking XX1090 to commuters at the train stations down the coast.

Today I plastered XX1090 Banner along Hwy 78 at El Camino for the morning commuters to view and also along the freeway fencing with Hooters in the background. After that I rolled east to Sycamore and IHOP with the Rig parked in plain view of the Freeway drivers while talking with customers.

Finally, I cruised over to the Cal State San Marcos Campus and rolled around and parked for a while at the main campus entrance (note the photo) and talked sports with students as well as the QMDC ride handing out fliers for the upcoming La Jolla Brewhouse Brew Bash and Poker Run.

Overall a great 2nd morning of promotion and fun for XX1090, Scott & BR, and the Million Dollar Challenge.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

What do you do with a Roll of XX1090 Banners????

Well, at the end of the interviews at the XX1090 Cox Communications Studios yesterday with Scott & BR they handed each of the Fab Five remaining contestants this 'roll' of XX1090 Padres Banner and said between now and Friday go have some fun with it!!!

So what do you do....... thanks to the creativity of my wife, Candi, we pulled out our Travel Trailer and 'recommissioned' it to become the new XX1090 Scott & BR Rolling Tailgate Party.

We spent the morning rolling all around North County San Diego talking sports and the Million Dollar Challenge to commuters. The pic here is from the Coaster/Sprinter station in Oceanside where I talked with commuters about the Padres and the Chargers and shared a bit about CAF and Great Friends!!!

Following is the Radio Airtime interview from my first stop of the morning with a rowdy Starbucks crowd at dawn up in Oceanside.

Gabcast! 2009 QMDC Journey #3 - XX1090 Tailgator Interview

9/17 XX1090 Scott & BR Cycling Team Tailgator Launch Interview at Starbucks I5/Oceanside Blvd at 6:15am

Finished the morning at the XX1090 Cox Communications studios getting more banner for tomorrows adventure... what will be next!!!

Great Fun ... Great Friends!!!!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The Fab Five Contestants Remain for Another Week!

In studio this morning the Fab Five got a reprieve from elimination after our 206 miles of riding this past weekend for the Challenged Athletes Foundation as part of our QMDC Training Plan.

Always a blast being on the Radio live at the XX1090 COX Communications studios with Scott & BR. Typical mix of nerves and excitement as we get to share a bit of our stories with the guys and all those listening out there on the airwaves. As the remaining Fab Five, we've been given a challenge over the next two days to get XX1090 visible out there in San Diego and let the station know what we are doing.... stay tuned to that dial between 5a-9a tomorrow and Friday to hear what we're doing out there!

It should be fun and entertaining as no one knows what to expect.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Countdown to Fantastic Four - On Dos Equis 1090

So .. tomorrow morning tune into the best radio going, at least according to the most interesting man in the world ..... for when he listens to radio .. it must be Dos Equis or XX ... 1090 am.

We will be having the next elimination from the Scott & BR Cycling team between 6:30a and 7am tomorrow live at the Cox Communications Studio of XX1090. Congrats again to Joy for gaining immunity this week and guaranteeing a spot in the FANTASTIC FOUR. Who will the others be??? Tune in and find out???

Keep riding my Great Friends!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Week 16 - Back to Back Century Rides, Simply a BLAST!!!

Completed back to back days of 103 miles this weekend with the QMDC Group. It was awesome rolling into Palos Verdes with spectacular views after a great day in the saddle Saturday and seeing all the smiles of folks. All in all it turned out to be a safe ride with a few typical mechanical issues and a couple folks with nutrition problems, but due to the awesome support of fellow riders it all worked out.

We then got the fabulous opportunity to have a nice reception and dinner together seeing each other, many for the first time, out of our cycling gear. It was another great experience to grow the relationships, expand friendships, and spend more time with some of the athletes we are supporting with this effort. Its really cool just to get to know these great people beyond their physical impairments because to them of course, that's just their normal, so getting beyond that to who they are what makes them tick is fantastic.

For Sunday's ride back down to San Diego we were treated with a cool morning and not too much wind which was a great thing as for many of us, the legs were feeling it. Had an awesome lunch stop in San Onofre with a gorgeous view of the pacific seen in the photo here.

Getting closer now to the event makes it all so much more meaningful. The privilege of being in the contest, without which I would never have even met any of the people who I now can call friends, is really hitting me. I owe a debt of gratitude to XX1090, Scott & BR, and the sponsors for making this happen.

Cut down to the Fantastic Four on Wednesday. Everyone is deserving so tune into the radio this week, Wednesday, between 6:30a and 7a to find out who remains!!!!!!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Another week survived and a huge week 16 ride coming!

Another crazy week and one step closer to this incredible event riding over 600 miles down the coast for the Challenged Athletes Foundation. That's right, down to the fab five contestants and I'm still here. Tough week with Joy's dog passing, Joe getting cut, and personally I'm fighting a bit of illness. It reminded me of what a priviledge it has been to be part of this thing and I owe all the thanks to XX1090 and Scott & BR because without being a Team 1090 member I would have never known about it.... THANKS!!!

Tomorrow we head off for back to back century rides or, per the route, roughly 207 miles of riding. For many it will be the first time they have ridden consecutive centuries. I look at this weekend as a challenge to gauge my physical comeback from the surgery now 6 weeks post-op as well as to support all those who are less experienced in this type of effort.

All the training has really paid off and the ride leaders and QMDC event organizers have done a phenomenal job making this part seem so easy. This has given us riders the ability to focus on spreading the word of CAF's mission and support XX1090 and the Scott & BR show. Last week while traveling in San Francisco on business I worked to drum up support for a start sendoff from some locals. Good news is I got donations for CAF and will continue to work on more local San Francisco support.

I'll report after the weekend's 12 hours on the bike. Please get involved and keep riding!!!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Week 15 - Elfin Forrest .. the comeback continues!

Another new experience and another phenomenal day on the bike. Today was a day of recovery for me personally in my physical comeback from surgery as I've done a bit too much in the past 10 days since my Surgeon gave me the go-ahead to lose the sling and begin to do 'more'. I've been in some pain and just overloaded so I needed a stress-free day on the bike.

As such I decided to make the most of it and ride with Group 4 on the road. What a great decision!!! I was able to meet more fellow QMDC riders and ride with David in the picture here along with Kristine, who is the QMDC event director at the Challenged Athletes Foundation. Scott, aka Hooter, leads a great group which has a great mix of riders fully focused on fun, no stress, building solid riding skill, and most of all safety.

It was also great to ride with a couple other fellow Radio Contestants that I hadn't had the opportunity to spend much time with on the bike. Overall just a fantastic day.

If you aren't part of this event, GET INVOLVED! Donate or JOIN IN and be part of it!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Talk about Suspence - Made the Sweet Six

WOW!!! So I got a call from Pratty at the Scott and BR show of XX1090 this morning not knowing what was happening. I was listening to the show and the boyz talk with Adam Beck about his immunity and his amazing story of being a cancer survivor.

For those who were listening you must have heard my heart pounding in my chest through the phone as they brought me to the brink making it sound like they were cutting me right before they let me know I was still in the contest.

It also made me realize how much I really care about this event and being a part of such an amazing group. It was then brutally difficult to hear that Mark Vandierendonck and Pat Thomas were cut from the final 8.

This Sunday we made a pact to keep the group together in training to the end and to work together with fundraising and support to get as many of us 10 finalists on the ride as possible.

Here is the interview clip from the Scott and BR Radio Show on Wed, Sept 2nd on XX1090am. Select Episode number 1.


Thanks again for supporting CAF through your donations!!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Eliminations Tomorrow - Down to the Sweet Six!

Hey all, tomorrow is another big day for the remaining contestants with 2 more eliminations. Since Adam Beck has immunity that means 2 of the 7 of us remaining will be no longer in the contest. It's been quite a journey so far and no matter what, the relationships formed have been worth 100 times more than the efforts expended on the bike.

BUT ... I still very much want to be part of the Sweet Six after tomorrow morning. So please listen up to XX1090am between 6:15a and 7a for the announcements and maybe a surprise or two!!!

Finally, I can't believe how quickly I was able to get back on the road less than 4 weeks post surgery and the healing has been going incredibly well. As you can see from the picture here the scar has to be pointed out just to find it.

Thanks for your support so far and please join Brian Brillo's Acoustic Night in Rancho Penasquitos tomorrow night, Wed Sep 2nd - CLICK HERE for more info.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Week 14 - Torrey Pines Time Trial

Another big day for the Scott & BR contestants with an immunity challenge pre-ride and Adam Beck winning a free pass this week as 2 of us 8 remaining will be eliminated from the contest. We will hear later this week on XX1090 who the "Fab Five" remaining contestants joining Adam will be during the Scott & BR morning show. Adam correctly named all 7 cities where we will be staying along the QMDC route in October.

Today's organized ride was a short one but important for many. It was a Time Trial effort up Torrey Pines which for many was a repeat of their first ride 14 weeks ago. For those of us on the Scott & BR Cycling team, it was a first for us and a great deal of fun. We are building more camaraderie as each week rolls on which is just fantastic.

It was a HUGE day for me personally as it was my first ride back on the road since the big accident coming down Palomar Mtn. I have to say the 'test' was passed with flying colors as I didn't have any issues with the right shoulder at all. Lot's of upcoming fundraising events to check out and support. Next up is Brian Brillo's "Acoustic night" this Wednesday, Sep 2nd 7-9p in Rancho Penasquitos. Click here for details. More events coming soon - Check the blog frequently for more info.!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Big Day - Survived the Cut AND Got Doctor's Nod

I was rapt with anticipation yesterday morning awaiting the announcement of the ELITE 8 contestants on the Scott & BR xx1090 Cycling Team. This is getting real ... and I have to admit I DO want it so I can represent the XX1090 and CAF as the contest winner. We'll see as everyone that was in the top 10 is deserving. I am personally grateful and am sure I have gained some GREAT FRIENDS along the way.

And the GOOD NEWS kept coming. Met with my Ortho Surgeon and the xrays look fantastic. Props to my surgeon, quoting him after looking at my Xrays, "Your body is laying down some great bone here." He's released me 2 weeks ahead of the original aggressive schedule to start riding with both arms so VERY SOON I'll be on the road. My dream of completing the QMDC is completely back in play. YES!!!

Now I just need your continued support; donate to CAF on my behalf by clicking HERE!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Homework Completed!

Completed my Homework; honest, off the cuff, and straight from the heart! Here it is....

The first Sunday I didn’t have a clue what to expect. By the end of that first ride I made the decision that I had to be riding down the coast in October. Each week has brought more gifts: helping less experienced riders, riding with challenged athletes like Scout, and legends like John Howard. The radio guys make it incredibly fun and the contest being so random makes it perfect because it doesn’t feel like we’re against each other. My dream is to win the contest and share my funds to help others all while building some lifelong relationships.

Look forward to seeing everyone out there on the road soon!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Recovery continues; Nine Lives???

Time for Gear replacement from the crash so I decided if I was going to have to get a new helmet it had to have meaning. So I opted for the CATLIKE Whisper Plus since it appears I have nine lives on the bike. Check out the photo here.

Also recovery continues well with staples now removed and more time in the saddle albeit still on the trainer. More to come shortly with my 100 word or less essay to be posted this Friday right here on the Blog!!!